domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010


Mmmmm,verano......,bueno o eso creo.Espero que se afinque ya
por una larga temporada.Verano,ese, que nos clienta,nos alegra,que nos da energia,ese
que tantas noches nos deja en vela esperando el amanecer ansiosos,que hace que nos desnudemos,que ilumina los dias con soles en cielos rasos.
Verano! Ese que que tanto echamos en falta durante los frios y tristes meses.


chaqueta corta- hoss intropia
tank-friday´s project
harems-pepe jeans
piton sandalias-friday´s project
cinturon zebra potro- colcci
bandolera apliques-friisandcompany
orquillas flor-oysho

3 comentarios:

ediot dijo...

hola guapa!
you look fantastic- i want to be tanned like you!! but dont worry- im doing my best... haha
about tvshows- its not like im watching it all the time- but at night when i dont have anything else to do i - i sometimes watch an episode or three.
tonterias is stupidity- i know that from my friend who lived in el perto de santa maria.
she uses that word in norwegian too- which is fun- we dont have that- but in sweden there is a word like töntig. which is equal to tonterias.

hope youre having a wonderful day darling. its summer! how wonderful is that- glad youre back to blogging!
i will try to vote for you- but its still hard with that spanish.

xx ediot

Emmekay dijo...

i've a similar mail polish, like this headband...

chantelle dijo...

very cute :) i love the green nail polish!