martes, 1 de junio de 2010


without words.........

jalous,le fashion

7 comentarios:

ediot dijo...

me gusto.
i like it. thanks for sharing. how are you darling?
have a wonderful week

xx ediot

Cava Charlotte dijo...

Wow, this girl has a huge forehead! She's still gorgeous though!

Love the styling in the first image. The others are a bit to 'styled' for me - that sounds silly, but do you know what I mean? You feel the presence of a stylist, when it should look effortless.

Charlotte xx

The Style Rail

I V Y dijo...

oh my i want everything!
you know that there's another "lady rebel" out there?


Anne dijo...

EY! puuff, pues esta plantilla, la cogí de Blogger templates, pero no me acuerdo el nombre, porque hace un moton! además modifiqué algunas cosas con el lenguaje Htlm, que me ayudo un amigo... no he sido de mucha ayuda..... muy chulas estas fotos!

Unknown dijo...

Me pienso comprar un collar así a lo indio!y ya he visto varios que me gustan

STARR dijo...

I really want to incorporate some of these ideas into my wardrobe.

ediot dijo...

thanks so much for that comment!
i take the photos myself with a tripod and a remote.
im so good guapa.- you know its getting warm and sunny and everything is just 1000 times better. its amazing! im laying in the sun a lot and not working.
if im working its at different preschools but i choose when to work if its sunny i dont - haha- not exactly, but i want to have some time off- working at a pharmacy all july. what do you mean who sings?

xx ediot